Wednesday, April 14, 2010

What is behind the phenomen of Facebook ??

I mean really... What do you think is the reason why facebook is so popular ??

I think many people will agree that facebook is not just another website for people to meat each other - it's something more than that. It made the same impact on the Internet, as, say Myspace. I don't dare to say the impact is the same as, say, that of free blogs or livejournal, but if facebook reaches blogs in terms of popularity one day, i probably won't be too surprized...

And, what is the reason for that ?

First, as far as I know, only recently did it go public (before that, the only way to have an account in there was to use an e-mail provided by your schhol/college for registration). hence, many people wouldn't bother.

Second, it still very... like, private or whatever. I mean, you can't see people's profiles unless you're in the same network with them, and, please correct me if I'm wrong, but I noticed that MOST people on facebook are not in ANY network at all, hence you cannot see them

What is behind the phenomen of Facebook ??
its easier for people to get girls off of facebook thats all
Reply:it's popular, because myspace was so popular but now it's taken over by viruses and stuff like that, so people needed to switch, and facebook took over
Reply:facebook is lame so is myspace
Reply:i like it loads of people are on it
Reply:im not currently obsessed in social networking sites, but i think the popularity comes from how the facebook started.

facebook started of as being a private website for school and college students in US.

it is obvious that most of the social networking obsessed people are college and highschool students, so facebook had tackled those first. and then all the college students thought that facebook is the new "cool" kid on the block.

the design was also reminds you of being cool, simple and fresh as they say.

and facebook have a unique api that lets developers to make their own facebook platform and make money from that. unlike myspace, it was locked before. so developers prefer facebook more, and so a lot of unique programs pop up in facebook.

myspace users really want those in their profile, and so they changed to facebook.

and of course, mark. mark is making the most clever decisions ever. last time it was reported that some business want to buy facebook for more than 500m, he denied the offer. and now facebook evaluated to more than 10b.

you know that guy is awesome. haha

Well in your additional details,

I want to say that its a good feature that you can edit anyway. But, consider the nature of social networking its a big possibility that people can start to spam and annoy you. So i think its better to do it that way, in a control manner. So people won't just leave the network and join another whenever they like and start to spam all the bulletins available.

considering the growth of facebook, there is still a lot of possibilities in social network to tackle.
Reply:its almost the same as myspace, but not as seems more primitive......
Reply:its a big fat copy of myspace and they were trying to get a piece of it...which seemed to work cause there is just as many people on facebook as there is on myspace

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