Saturday, April 17, 2010

Girl and facebook....?

I have been hooking up with this girl since about July. We would also talk on facebook as well (private messages and wall messages) she is a senior in highschool and i am a sophmroe in college (17-19) she recently said she does not like that we are friends on facebook. I asked her why and she was like..."i just can't explain it...I just hate highschool".....she said we can be "facebook friends" in like the summer again..hahah...I mean...i can still view her profile and stuff but....ya....what do you think are her reasons?..nothing has changed between us.

Girl and facebook....?
It sounds like she's probably getting crap from her friends/random people in high school for talking to you. Maybe they're calling her desperate for outsourcing to guys from other schools, maybe they think you're unattractive and are teasing her about you. There are so many petty reasons in high school, and you can never really know until you talk to her. It sounds as though she's insecure and confused about where she's at. You could just say something to her like "I don't understand why you don't want other people to see we're friends, that's all we are, friends. Let me know if I did or said something to offend you or turn you off."

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