Saturday, April 17, 2010

Facebook for a 13 year old, problem, help?

My cousin, who is 13 years old, signed up for facebook. and she doesn't know which high school she is going to so I signed her up under a kinda random school, but in the region where she lives. so she is in the location region network, but it keeps threatening to disable her account if her friends don't confirm that she is in the high school network she joined (and she doesn't have any friends from that high school)

I didn't know they make you join a high school/college/other network now, 'cause apparently the region network isn't enough. So what do I do? she doesn't know what to do, and doesn't want her account disabled? what happens if her account get's disabled?

Facebook for a 13 year old, problem, help?
you can use only a region. i joined my city and not my school to start with, but my advice would be (if you dont wnat to start a new account) would be to set all privacy settings on tight and ask a random person who looks nice from that school to be your friend. when they confrim, you can delete them and restore normal privacy settings

personally, a 13 year old shouldnt even be on facebook, theres a reason why they dont hae elementary school listed on the networks, wait until shes actualyl in high school and until she acctually knnows some ppl in hihg school, and waitt till shes a bit older...
Reply:you can deactivate the account until she reaches high school dont worry the account will still be there you just need to get the conformation email to activate it again
Reply:why dont u deactivate it and then sign her up on your school.... thats wut i would do

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