Wednesday, April 14, 2010

How do I check a college email account?

I am attending a small community college and, upon enrollment, they give everyone their own email addresses. Having hotmail and yahoo accounts, I have never had to use mine.

However, there's an email that I have to send to my college email account in order to join a network on Facebook. The problem is, I can't access my email from the college website nor are any of the computer's on campus equipped with Outlook express. I'm trying to configure my Outlook Express to try to receive the message, but I have no idea how to find the POP3 address.

So, how do I find it and set up my account so I can get that email?

How do I check a college email account?
If you poke around your colleges home page there are probably instructions on how to set it up or who you could contact to get it going.

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