Wednesday, April 14, 2010

How do you put a new network up on facebook?

you have your work/college/skool but what about other things like clubs.

i run a club and i would like to get a network up so people in facebook can jone just like you would if it was work/college/skool.

How do you put a new network up on facebook?
You can't add a network yourself, but you CAN request one.

They won't guarantee that it'll be created, but it may help if a few requests (from different people) are made!
Reply:you can't

faceboo networks only include work, school, college, and regions

in order to add a certain club you'd either have to create an event, which is entirely devoted to events and dates and showing whom plans to attend or not, and merely not for mini networks.. but that is still an option, maybe for a club event?

the more logical is to create a group and create it based on your club. you can add pictures, videos, comments, forums, and tag items, share websites, and everything else that falls into the category web 2.0... you can also invite or recruit others to your club, add group officers (which could be similar to your real club officers)....

- to add a group go to the group pages and hit the button Create a New Group (or go to this link

-enter all your club descriptions

-enter the network you wish to allow to join (most people choose Global so that anyone can join, but you can select either a regional, highschool, college, or work network to just join your group. you MUST be part of the network which you allow.)

-it is only requird to fill fields that say "required"

-scroll down and go to "Create Group"

-then you're taken to a page to add a picture... this picture appears on the group search pages and is your group picture. it is seen at the top right of your gorup page

-you can make your picture anything you want, as long as you have copyright permissions or own the picture!

-next click the button, and you're taken to the Members page, here you can invite people to join

and just watch the numbers grow!!
Reply:you go to acounts on the top right corner of the page

and then u get a page. if u look up it will say settings, networks etc. click on networks :)
Reply:click the arrow beside the network, then there will be a click "join a network" after that you can type in the network you want to join then click join. And there you go!!!!
Reply:you dont


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I've been having the same problem too.. I can't join my high school network and i see error Something went wrong. We're working on getting it fixed as soon as we can. I really can' fix this..

    I've changed my age in order to join my High School Network because only 18 below are allowed to join a High School Network. Because if your 19 and above your ineligable to join a school network. So I hide my birthday for 3 months now because it's not my real age. I've been waiting for so long to resend again and again the confirmation but it says that there was a problem or an error to resend confirmation email. My school also doesn't require email. I'm just sick and tired of waiting for the facebook to approve my request and it's hard to look for someone who is currently High School right now because I don't know any High School student from my school who could help me give a confirmation email since my original classmates that I know are College graduates like me. I don't know how long I could remain to be a 16 years old since I'm turning 23 next year and Ive been waiting to confirm this stupid School Network.
