Monday, May 4, 2009

How does the 6 degrees of separation principle work?

Someplace there is a theory that everyone is connected with everyone else in the world through 6 degrees of separation? I'm not too sure about this. How does this theory work?

How does the 6 degrees of separation principle work?
Well - for the purpose of answering your question, I will use the most popular person to link to (Kevin Bacon).

Kevin Bacon just so happens to be one of the most popular because of his intense resume (six degrees of Kevin Bacon actually started as a college drinking game).

So now - I will link YOU to Kevin Bacon within six degrees...

YOU (1) asked a question that I (2) answered. I worked at a strip club many years ago and met PAULY SHORE (3) who was in Pauly Shore is Dead with SHERRI SHEAPARD (4) who was in Beauty Shop with KEVIN BACON (5).

This is just the idea behind it, but it is not correct that everyone can be linked. There are actually two hollywood stars that cannot be linked to Kevin Bacon which ends the theroy that everyone can be linked to everyone.

I hope this helped you understand the theory though.
Reply:You know 6 people...those people know 6 people.and those people know 6 people and some of those people know people you know..on..and on and.....

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